From Histograms to Frequency Polygons 由組織圖到頻數多邊形

Demonstrate how to draw frequency polygon from the histogram, and show how the area enclosed by the frequency polygon relates to the total area of the bars in the histogram. (Download GeoGebra file)

  1. Complete the frequency distribution table.

  2. Drag the red × points to draw the histogram for the data.

  3. Check the "Frequency Polygon" box to show the frequency polygon.

  4. Drag the red point on the slider to see how the area enclosed by the frequency polygon relates to the total area of the bars in the histogram.

向學生展示如何由組織圖構作頻數多邊形,並展示頻數多邊形的面積等於組織圖的面積。 (Download GeoGebra file)

1. 完成以下頻數分佈表。

2. 拖拉紅色×點,製作組織圖來表達所示的數據。

3. 剔選「頻數多邊形」框,顯示頻數多邊形。

4. 拖拉滑杆上的紅點,觀察頻數多邊形面積與組織圖面積的關係。

輸入其他數據並製作其頻數多邊形。 (Download GeoGebra file)