Cumulative Frequency Polygon 累積頻數多邊形的應用

Demonstrate the use of cumulative frequency polygons.


English version: (Download GeoGebra file)

中文版: (Download GeoGebra file)

Answer the following questions using the applet.

(a) If the passing mark is 50, how many students fail in the test?

(b) If 50% of students pass the test what is the passing mark?

What is the passing mark if 70% of students pass the test?

(c) A prize will be given to the students who get 75 marks or above. How many students get the prize?

(d) If 8 prizes are to be given, what is the mark above or equal to which a prize would be given?

(e) How many students have marks between 55 and 75? (Download GeoGebra file)

(a) 若測驗的合格分數為50,有多少名學生不合格?

(b) 若有50%的學生合格,合格分數應為多少?

若要有70% 的學生合格,合格分數應為多少?

(c) 若老師派發禮物給75分或以上的學生,有多少學生會得到禮物?

(d) 若老師要派發 8 份禮物,多少分或以上的學生可以得到禮物?

(e) 有多少學生的分數介乎 55 分 至 75 分之間?

輸入其他數據並製作其累積頻數多邊形。 (Download GeoGebra file)