
Since 09.2018

Mr. Anthony C.M. Or 柯志明先生 (Chair Person)

Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. Allen Leung 梁玉麟教授 (Co-Chair)

Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University

Prof. Sandy Li 李兆璋教授 (Representative of Hosting Institute)

Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr. Arthur Lee 李文生博士 (Treasurer)

Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong

Mr. Alex M.F. Chik 戚文鋒先生 (Secretary)

C.C.C. Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School

Dr. Yip-Cheung Chan 陳葉祥博士

Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Mr. Charles S.C. Kwok 郭思齊先生

Hong Kong Association of Science and Mathematics Education

Mr. Ho-Fung Lee 李灝峰先生

Pui Ching Middle School

Dr. Eric K.K. Poon 潘建強博士

Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Mr. Bobby W.H. Poon 潘維凱先生

St. Paul’s College

Mr. Ka-Lok Wong 黃家樂先生

Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong