3.2 Measures, Shape & Space 度量、圖形與空間
Introduction to Geometry 幾何簡介
Angles related with Lines and Rectilinear Figures 與線及直線圖形有關的角
Transformation and Symmetry 變換及對稱
Introduction to Coordinates 坐標簡介
Coordinate Geometry of Straight Lines 直線的坐標幾何
Congruence and Similarity 全等及相似
Simple Introduction to Deductive Geometry 演繹幾何簡介
Quadrilaterals 四邊形
Simple Idea of Areas and Volumes 面積和體積的簡單概念
More about Areas and Volumes 續面積和體積
More about 3-D Figures 續立體圖形
Rotational Symmetry of the Cube, the Tetrahedron, the Octahedron, the Dodecahedron and the Icosahedron
A Godel Escher Bach Solid: A solid with a triangle, a square and a circle as the orthograpic views
Circle, square, triangle fitting shapes:
Shape (1), Shape (2)
Trigonometric Ratios and Using Trigonometry 三角比和三角的應用
Pythagoras’ Theorem 畢氏定理